Sunday, August 17, 2008

Not so " Menza Menza"

You often hear folks talk about the talent that was born and bread in upstate New York . Many have made history and will be remembered for their contribution to the music. Don Menza is definitely one. Nice gig with Don Friday night. Don is originally from Buffalo now living in L.A. Plays his everlovin butt off and has a ball on stage. What a gas. It's good to know your not alone sometimes. Thanks Don..


Anonymous said...

Hey Nancy..remember me. I was on the gig at trump Plaza with you. My name is annie friedland and I pkay piano and sing.. I was a backup for Al +Dowe and Etta Cox. We hung out a bit. I heard you on a CD a friend made with Joey D. I am in Pgh. it sucks. No promotion. Keep in touch and at least let me know if you rmemeber me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,

After reading the feature article about you and your career in the Oct-Nov 2008 issue “55 Plus” I was delighted to learn that you would be appearing at The Pleasant Beach Hotel, Fair Haven, and New York on Sunday, September 28, 2008. June and I attended and had the pleasure of experiencing and enjoying your talent immensely.

Thankfulness is woven from the delicate threads of sharing

May the happiness you share return to you in the same special way you offer it.

Gary Whaley & June Kio
Fulton, New York

Elli Fordyce said...

Hey Nancy:

Wanted to point out Joe Mags Magnarelli on three tunes in Something STILL Cool (

