Then there is Blue dog that lives with my daughter and family. Blue dog was rescued by Kellie (my Daughter) when she was a pup. She was bred to fight and kill by some very misguided neighbors .The puppy cried for love and Kellie saved her. Blue has been a part of our lives for 14 years. Blue and I had a very special bond which I will be ever grateful for.She is possibly the most compassionate being I have ever known. She has been a very important part of all our lives. She went back to spirit today. We are all lost without her. I will never walk in the woods again without feeling her spirit. I will never walk down Graham ave in Williamsburg without thinking of her and our late night walks there. She loved me and I loved her. She loved us all. Now anit that what life’s all about... Thank you Blue dog.
1 comment:
Hi Nancy!
Jim here. I am a fan and i love to sing myself. my dad was a singer. a REAL singer.. in the vein of Sinatra, and Crosby. you would have loved him. no.. i never got any of his singing recorded.. grrr
I have seen you in the Green Pastures, on the Watkins Dinner boat, and down here in FL at Heidi's. Santa and I asked to have a photo with you this year there.
anyway.. two comments of common threads in our lives (besides the above). i have been alone for 9 years.. with an occasional "date", now and then. No Pet has entered my life but my car is my "Blue".. that is the nick name i gave it. it is a 1989 Chevy Caprice Full Size Station wagon. i had it painted.. Metalic Indigo Blue.. it is beautiful.. my pride and joy.. with a FLorida plate on rear. on the front plate it says "Run, Forest, Run" because i am also a runner..
i need you to tell me.. if Santa is right.. (she is in NY now) and she writes that you Sang for Donny Moore's ?birthday? at Kelly's Bar In Endicott.. sometime recently.. to a packed house of course. is it true or a rumor?
thanks.. you are THE best.. i will see you sometime this summer, i am sure.. I would like to get Al Hamme and friends to schedule you for some event at the Firehouse in Johnson City.. some time. Al is kinda a friend of mine.
fondly, Jim
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