oooo I'm tilted right now. Just heard a musician told a comedian I work with from time to time, "You don't have to pay her big money ,she works for cheap" You better hope I don't find out who you are.. There's a big difference between Local Jazz club work where there's no cover charge and show and concert work. Every cat in the business and I mean every cat and I ain't droppin names, takes gigs at their local clubs and they don't always do it for the bread but to keep the chops up. Now you understand why It pays to stay home period? I have cut way back on "Local " gigs just for this reason. I'm between a rock and hard place not being a really big Marquee name that can take only the cream of the crop gigs .There is no justice or anyone that can be trusted in the music business or any business for that mater.. ooh I could just bite someone.
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